Sunday 16 January 2011

Music Contents Page!

For my music contents page, I needed to make sure that I followed all the conventions, but also the theme of the magazine I had created. Because we aren't making the whole magazine, I needed to come up with all the contents I thought would go in my magazine and why!
Before I started thinking of any designs, I thought of some girly and music associated stories that could be in SUGARPOP!
  • 'So you think you can dance' introduction: It's related to performance and music! It's also popular and something girls would most likely enjoy.

  • 'The Runaways': A pretend echo of the glee series - my audience would most definately appreciate glee! It's a musically surrounded show.
  • 'Autumn activities': Alliteration is a form of persuasion! I thought it would be good for youngsters to get ideas about how to improve their musical skills in the autumn.
  • 'want to be a star' follow on from the cover, helping girls to perform on stage at their best!
  • Disney Channel Stars Interview - follow on from cover - Disney is popular among youngsters, so it's better in the magazine than out!
  • X factor gossip page - my magazine is set for release around the time when the x factor competition is at it's peal (november/december)
  • 'Herts School Musical' I thought it would be really cool to add in the idea of a high school musical locally! It could be something the girls could really feel they can join and it's not out of their reach.

  • 'Behind the scenes at PHLIX's photoshoot!' another made up band - just to make things more exciting and allow the readers to feel priveleged, having bought the magazine.
I wanted the style of font I chose for the text 'CONTENTS PAGE' to be carried through to the smaller text, 'cover features' and 'even more features' because it helps to develop a theme, and makes it all much easier to read. I needed to pick a font I thought would appeal to younger audiences!
To decide on a layout, I simply moved everything around on the page a number of times. I was using microsoft word because it was the simplest one for me to understand - I knew how to achieve the look I wanted.

My two main theme colours were bright pink and pale blue, because they are girly! They are contrasting colours but don't clash and look good together. I was originally going to do pink and purple, but I felt that was too typical of girly nature, and I wanted to go a different route to the usual.

In my book I analysed two girl magazine contents pages for different audiences so I knew what suited my age group better, and then analysed a music magazine contents page so I knew what key parts were essential to have on mine.

Some of the most important aspects of a magazine contents page include:

  • Logo of the magazine

  • date

  • magazine name somewhere on the page

  • website for the magazine

  • pictures (to add to interest)

  • page numbers

  • sections and headings

Once I had figured out what I needed to achieve, I began making prototypes for my own contents page!

I then analysed each layout, and put two prototypes for the contents page with them.

Once I had worked out my layout, I began doing my contents page.

Century Gothic was the font I used for the page explanations, rockwell extra bold for the headings 'cover features' and 'even more features' bradley FC for the page numbers and page titles, and 'Arial Bold' for my title font.

The best part about my contents page I feel is my title. It's really original, yet still manages to keep with the colour and text themes of the page really well!

Finally, I finished my contents page. I analysed the different areas in my book for you to check out if you want to know more of how I made it!

This is my contents page for 'SUGARPOP!' magazine:

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