Thursday 13 January 2011

Contents Page

The second part of our preliminary task was the Contents Page.
We needed to make one and design pages that would feature typically in a school magazine.
The first things I felt were crucial to a school contents page were:
  • the school logo
  • the title 'contents page'
  • pictures to break up the text and appeal to all audiences - too much text would overwhelm the younger ones
  • page contents descriptions

I felt that these things were very simple, and would appeal to all of my chosen audience.

The majority of the pages I chose to put on relate to improving the students' ability to learn and the enjoyment they get out of school.

I wanted to design my contents page in microsoft publisher, because it has a lot of tools that could assist me in making sure my outcome looked professional! As this is the preliminary task, it's okay for me to get things wrong, but for the real contents page, I'll need to make sure I get it all right!

By having a blackboard as a background, and the CONTENTS title in white chalk text, it made it all very much related to school. I wanted people to be making the connection all the while reading the magazine!

I put one picture of ellie on it and one of a group of schoolgirls and leaves, because everything is keeping in the autumn theme! Slanting them using the rotation tool on publication made them seem a lot more interesting and modern. I used 4 images to be labelled as the art gallery instead of say one because it really does spice up the page and make it a lot more interesting!

I think the contents page does work well as a school magazine's but I don't think it would bode well in a similar style for any other type! It works well because it's for such a wide audience, whereas other magazines tend to have a more direct target audience.

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